Ear Candling

Frequently Asked Questions
Is ear candling for everyone?No! You should not have ear candling performed if you have any damage to the eardrum, ear tubes, congenital hearing loss, ankylosis of the stapes, acute mastoiditis, or recent surgical procedures to the ear.
You may, for a short time, feel a bit of pressure in your ears following a session. This is normal. We recommend you not fly or get fluid in your ears for 24 hours after a candling session.
While many find ear candling to be an effective procedure, everyone is different and we can't guarantee results.
It’s good to do the procedure quarterly or twice a year. If you feel like you may be coming down with a cold or virus, you should candle at that time and the healing process will start right away! This aids the immune system in healing.
If you suspect that you have an inner ear infection, we recommend that you see your doctor. Ear candling is not intended to replace medical treatment.
Absolutely! All age groups may enjoy this procedure.
Not at all; in fact, many report the experience is surprisingly relaxing and soothing. You may hear crackling sounds during your session - this is normal, and not uncomfortable.